19 GEN 2017

Youth and the Mediterranean: Exploring New Approaches to Dialogue and Cooperation

LEZIONE | - Roma - 10:01 Durata: 5 ore 38 min
A cura di Fabio Arena e Bretema

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Promosso nell’ambito del programma "New-Med Research Network" dall’Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) e promosso dalla Presidenza italiana del "Mediterranean Contact Group" OSCE.

Registrazione video di "Youth and the Mediterranean: Exploring New Approaches to Dialogue and Cooperation", registrato a Roma giovedì 19 gennaio 2017 alle 10:01.

L'evento è stato organizzato da Istituto Affari Internazionali e Ministero degli Affari Esteri.

Sono intervenuti: Armando Barucco (capo unità analisi e programmazione del ministero degli affari esteri), Alessandro Azzoni (capo unità PESC PSDC del
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale), Ettore Greco (direttore dell'Istituto Affari Internazionali), Nicolò Russo Perez (coordinatore per gli affari internazionali della Compagnia di San Paolo), Nathalie Hilmi (Centre scientifique de Monaco), Sibelle El Labban (American University of Beirut), Hussam Hussein (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research University of East Anglia, Norwich), Jean Joseph Levy (The GMF Marshall Memorial Fellowship, Paris), Abdelraham Aldaqqah (Horizon International, Youth for Justice and Equality, the Hague), Marwa Wasfy (Cairo University), Djallil Lounnas (Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane), Khader Abualhayjaa (University of London), Hamid Ait El Caid (Higer School of Economics, Moscow), Ummuhan Bardak (The European Training Foundation, Turin), Haifa Ben Cheikha (University of Carthage, Tunis), Zied Touzani (Tun'Act, Tunis), Lorenzo Kamel (responsabile di ricerca del programma Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente dello IAI), Marina Calculli (assegnista di ricerca presso l'Università l'Orientale di Napoli), Anna Katharina Deininger (special representative on Youth and Security, Osce).

Tra gli argomenti discussi: Accordi Internazionali, Acqua, Africa, Ambiente, Cittadinanza, Clandestinita', Clima, Curdi, Diritti Sociali, Diritti Umani, Diritto, Donna, Economia, Esteri, Geopolitica, Immigrazione, Integralismo, Integrazione, Iraq, Isis, Islam, Mare, Medio Oriente, Mediterraneo, Osce, Politica, Poverta', Religione, Rifugiati, Siria, Societa', Stato, Stranieri, Terrorismo Internazionale, Turchia, Violenza.

La registrazione video ha una durata di 5 ore e 38 minuti.

Questo contenuto è disponibile anche nella sola versione audio.

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  • Armando Barucco

    capo unità analisi e programmazione del ministero degli affari esteri

    10:01 Durata: 8 min 27 sec
  • Alessandro Azzoni

    capo unità PESC PSDC del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale

    10:09 Durata: 11 min 13 sec
  • Ettore Greco

    direttore dell'Istituto Affari Internazionali

    10:20 Durata: 10 min
  • Nicolò Russo Perez

    coordinatore per gli affari internazionali della Compagnia di San Paolo

    10:30 Durata: 5 min 32 sec
  • Cambio al tavolo dei relatori

    10:36 Durata: 3 min
  • SESSION I - ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES AND CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change and environmental chall enges are having adverse effects on state capacity across the MENA region, straining limited resources and contributing to insecurity and violence through food shortages and population displacement . The medium - to - long term effects of these trends are extre mely worrying and yet, both regional and international actors have largely ignored the ir implications. This session will focus on two key themes associated with the risks of climate change and environmental degradation: water scarcity and the politics of w ater management and food and nutrition security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean

  • Nathalie Hilmi

    Centre scientifique de Monaco

    Modera la sessione
    10:39 Durata: 1 min 8 sec
  • Domande dalla sala

    Sibelle El Labban

    American University of Beirut

    10:40 Durata: 38 min 52 sec
  • Domande dalla sala

    Hussam Hussein

    Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research University of East Anglia, Norwich

    11:19 Durata: 35 min 2 sec
  • Cambio al tavolo dei relatori

    11:54 Durata: 5 min 17 sec
  • SESSION II - CITIZENSHIP AND THE WEAKENING OF THE STATE SYSTEM The Middle East state system is in crisis. Institutions have collapsed, civil and proxy wars are ravaging both the centre and the periphery of the region and the gulf between rulers and ruled remains wider than ever . This session will address some of the root drivers for stat e fragility in the MENA region. A particular focus w ill be given to the role of gender and youth in pushing for a renegotiation of the social contract based on a new vision of inclusive citizenship and equality before the law

  • Jean Joseph Levy

    The GMF Marshall Memorial Fellowship, Paris

    Modera la sessione
    11:59 Durata: 6 min 50 sec
  • Abdelraham Aldaqqah

    Horizon International, Youth for Justice and Equality, the Hague

    12:06 Durata: 12 min 33 sec
  • Marwa Wasfy

    Cairo University

    12:19 Durata: 21 min 44 sec
  • Jean Joseph Levy

    The GMF Marshall Memorial Fellowship, Paris

    12:40 Durata: 10 min 21 sec
  • Domande dalla sala

    12:51 Durata: 8 min 29 sec
  • Marwa Wasfy

    Cairo University

    12:59 Durata: 6 min 43 sec
  • Abdelraham Aldaqqah

    Horizon International, Youth for Justice and Equality, the Hague

    13:06 Durata: 3 min 41 sec
  • Jean Joseph Levy

    The GMF Marshall Memorial Fellowship, Paris

    13:10 Durata: 5 min 25 sec
  • Pausa pranzo

    13:15 Durata: 1 ora 14 min
  • SESSION III - RADICALIZATION AND THE ISIS THREAT The Mediterranean region, broadly defined, is experiencing a number of complex and overlapping crises. Heightened threat perceptions have focussed in particular on the Syrian conflict and ongoing efforts to counter the self - proclaimed Islamic State. T his session will address the ISIS phenomenon from the standpoint of the youth in the MENA, analysing the narratives accompanying the rise of ISIS and means to counter the spread and appeal of its radical ideology. The panellists will address the tribal, yo uth and gender dimensions of these issues, focussing in particular on Kurdish female fighters battling ISIS and the role of tribal and youth - based policies in Iraq

  • Djallil Lounnas

    Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane

    Modera la sessione
    14:29 Durata: 1 min 4 sec
  • Khader Abualhayjaa

    University of London

    14:30 Durata: 13 min 36 sec
  • Hamid Ait El Caid

    Higer School of Economics, Moscow

    14:44 Durata: 11 min 33 sec
  • Djallil Lounnas

    Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane

    14:55 Durata: 6 min 20 sec
  • Khader Abualhayjaa

    University of London

    15:02 Durata: 2 min 56 sec
  • Hamid Ait El Caid

    Higer School of Economics, Moscow

    15:05 Durata: 2 min 46 sec
  • Domande dalla sala

    Khader Abualhayjaa

    University of London

    Hamid Ait El Caid

    Higer School of Economics, Moscow

    15:07 Durata: 18 min 19 sec
  • Cambio al tavolo dei relatori

    15:26 Durata: 3 min 26 sec
  • SESSION IV - MIGRATION AND THE REFUGEES CRISIS MENA countries continue to bear the brunt of the refugee and m igration crisis, placing further strain on the fragile economies and political systems. This session will address different dimensions of the refugee crisis, analysing potential policy options capable of alleviating this growing burden on host countries . P anellists will reflect on the prevailing characterization of refugees and migrants as a threat to their host countries and examine whether and to what extent innovative policy approaches may transform the issue of migration and refugees into an opportunity for MENA countries in the economic and social domain

  • Ummuhan Bardak

    The European Training Foundation, Turin

    Modera la sessione
    15:29 Durata: 2 min 59 sec
  • Haifa Ben Cheikha

    University of Carthage, Tunis

    15:32 Durata: 13 min 55 sec
  • Ummuhan Bardak

    The European Training Foundation, Turin

    15:46 Durata: 6 min 44 sec
  • Haifa Ben Cheikha

    University of Carthage, Tunis

    15:53 Durata: 2 min 23 sec
  • Interventi dalla sala

    15:55 Durata: 6 min 21 sec
  • Zied Touzani

    Tun'Act, Tunis

    16:01 Durata: 15 min 34 sec
  • Ummuhan Bardak

    The European Training Foundation, Turin

    16:17 Durata: 9 min 27 sec
  • Zied Touzani

    Tun'Act, Tunis

    16:26 Durata: 1 min 58 sec
  • Interventi dalla sala

    16:28 Durata: 2 min
  • Zied Touzani

    Tun'Act, Tunis

    16:30 Durata: 3 min 54 sec
  • Ummuhan Bardak

    The European Training Foundation, Turin

    16:34 Durata: 2 min 17 sec
  • Cambio al tavolo dei relatori

    16:37 Durata: 4 min 15 sec

  • Lorenzo Kamel

    responsabile di ricerca del programma Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente dello IAI

    Modera la sessione
    16:41 Durata: 29 sec
  • Marina Calculli

    assegnista di ricerca presso l'Università l'Orientale di Napoli

    16:41 Durata: 12 min
  • Anna Katharina Deininger

    special representative on Youth and Security, Osce

    16:53 Durata: 8 min 27 sec
  • Lorenzo Kamel

    responsabile di ricerca del programma Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente dello IAI

    17:02 Durata: 7 min 1 sec