Registrazione audio di "International Day Against Female Genital Mutilations", registrato mercoledì 29 novembre 2000 alle 00:00.
L'evento è stato organizzato da Area radicale.
La registrazione audio ha una durata di 6 ore e 41 minuti.
9:30 - CAMERA
14:30 - Camera dei Deputati
9:30 - Roma
10:30 - Roma
14:30 - Roma
17:15 - Roma
18:00 - Roma
9:30 - Roma
10:30 - Milano
Emma Bonino, introductory statement
Olayinka Koso-Thomas, physician: "So-called traditional practices, an excruciating heritage for women"
Emma Bonino, comments
Khady Koita, instructor:"A struggle involving two worlds and many cultures"
Emma Bonino
Marie-Hélène Franjou, physician: "Female genital mutilation in the context of the French social and health system"
Emma Bonino
Mhoamed Aden Sheik, physician, former Somalian Minister of Health: "A long battle that stretches back to the independence of African nations"
Emma Bonino
Emma Bonino
Manthia Demba Diawara, religious leader: "Islam and mutilation, an increasingly difficult co-existence"
Comfort Momoh, midwife: "Female genital mutilation in the context of the British social and health system"
Mona El Tobgui, paediatrician: "Young girls and women traumatised for the rest of their lives"
Bogales Aleniu, ethiopian doctor
Conclusions by Jean Robert Gouloungana, Secretary General of the A.C.P. member states
Emma Bonino
Lousewies van der LAAN, Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party
Emma Bonino, closure of session
Emma Bonino
Video-documentaries on Female Genital Mutilations
Emma Bonino, introductory statement
Linda Weil-Curiel
Emma Bonino
Another video-documentaries on Female Genital Mutilations
Emma Bonino
Anna Diamantopoulou, responsible for Social Affairs
Maurizio Turco, chairman
Mr Antonio Vitorino, responsible for Justice and Internal Affairs
Emma Bonino
Linda Weil-Courier, lawyer: "Female genital mutilation in the context of the French legal system"
Emma Bonino
Sophie Bessis, scholar of African History
Emma Bonino
Introductory debate
Emma Bonino
Mrs Maria Johanna Sanders-Ten Holte (ELDR)
Elena Valanciano (PSE)
Member of the UN Population Fund
Member of the OGM for Human Health
Member of Medecins Sans Frontieres
Member of the UNHCR
Member of UNICEF
Final debate
Closure of proceedings by Emma Bonino
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