08 DIC 2001

NPWJ: Prague Conference (II)

[NON DEFINITO] | - 00:00 Durata: 5 ore 17 min

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International Justice: 15 countries meet in Prague to create the International Criminal CourtPrague, december 8th, 2001 - Second and last day of the Conference on Ratification and Domestic Implementation of the Statue of the International Criminal Court.

An Intergovernmental Regional Conference on the International Criminal Court organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and by the radical organisation "No Peace Without Justice", under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the European Union, gathered representatives of fifteen countries of Central and Eastern
Europe in Prague on 7 and 8 December 2001.

The Conference was opened by Emma Bonino, "roaming ambassador" of the International Criminal Court, in the course of an inaugural ceremony on Friday 7, together with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Pavel Vosalik, the French senator and former Minister of Justice Robert Badinter, the Belgian Ambassador Bernard Pierre and the president of "No Peace Without Justice" Sergio Stanzani.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) will have jurisdiction over war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Its Statute, adopted in Rome in 1998 at the end of a Diplomatic Conference, has been already signed by 139 countries but it requires sixty ratifications by national parliaments to enter into force.

To date the United Nations Secretariat has received 47 such ratifications.

The Intergovernmental Conference in Prague, mirroring the 22 "Regional Conferences organised by No Peace Without Justice", aimed to hasten the ratification process in a specific region of the word.

In Prague, the main target was the EU candidate countries, so that they may be part of the first 60 countries that will create the International Criminal Court.

The Conference also discussed the specific steps that need to be undertaken to ensure the prompt and effective entry into force of the Statute, including the adoption of national implementing legislation that will allow national authorities to cooperate with the Court.

In this respect, Emma Bonino declared: "We are conducting a race against time.

Our challenge is to ensure that the Statute of the Court enters into force before 17 July 2002, the proposed date for the "World Day of International Criminal Justice".

On 17 July 2002, in fact, the world will celebrate the fourth anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and also the forthcoming Spanish Presidency of the European Union (January - June 2002) is committed to the "campaign for sixty ratifications".

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  • Vojtech Cepl, Professor of Civil law, Charles University, Prague

    <br>Index of proceedings
    0:00 Durata: 3 min 16 sec
  • Mauro Politi, Professor of International Law, University of Trento, introduces and moderates

    0:03 Durata: 1 min 19 sec
  • Maria Carmen Colitti, Legal Advisor of NPWJ; Relation: «Toward the 60th ratification: State of the play of the process»

    0:04 Durata: 13 min 2 sec
  • Michel Platcha, Professor of Criminal Procedure, Gdansk University, Polony; Relation: «Issues related to the accession an ratification of the Rome Statute»

    0:17 Durata: 30 min 26 sec
  • Daniel Frank, Vice Chief of the section of International Criminal Law of Federal Justice in Switzerland; Relation: «States obligations in relation to the implementatione of the Statue»

    0:48 Durata: 18 min 18 sec
  • Gilber Bitti, Department of justice, France; Relation: «The ICC and States Parties; co-operation with the Court and enforcement of sentences»

    1:06 Durata: 21 min 49 sec
  • Georg Witchel (DE) Director of the Security Council, first Division of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Germany

    <br>Break<p><strong>«Mechanism being put into place for rewiew of constitution and criminal law»</strong><p>the example of Germany
    1:28 Durata: 27 min 16 sec
  • Gilbert Bitti

    <br>The example of France
    1:55 Durata: 15 min 50 sec
  • Ian Varso, Slovakia

    2:11 Durata: 1 min 30 sec
  • Gilbert Bitti

    2:13 Durata: 2 min 11 sec
  • Gianfranco Dell'Alba, MEP of Lista Bonino, NPWJ, moderates

    <br><strong>Third session:<br>«Ratification and Implementations in Central and Eastern European Countries»</strong>
    2:16 Durata: 2 min 19 sec
  • Eduard Sulo, delegation of Albania

    2:18 Durata: 5 min 30 sec
  • Ion, Morei, mininster of Justice of Moldavia

    2:23 Durata: 6 min 35 sec
  • Diana Kovatcheva, delegation of Bulgaria

    2:30 Durata: 5 min 9 sec
  • Mitza Mandic, delegation of Croatia

    2:35 Durata: 11 min 28 sec
  • Jaroslav Horac, (CZ), Legal director, ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech republic

    2:47 Durata: 9 min 38 sec
  • Marina Kuljurand, delegation of Estonia

    2:56 Durata: 10 min 44 sec
  • Zsolt Hetsey, Legal advisor of the Permanent Mission of Ungaria to the United Nations, delegation of Hungary

    3:07 Durata: 11 min 46 sec
  • Inese Krastina, ministry of Justice, delegation of Lettonia

    3:19 Durata: 7 min 42 sec
  • Agnieszka Dabrowiecka, delegation of Poland

    3:27 Durata: 4 min 46 sec
  • Cristina Luzescu, delegation of Rumania

    3:31 Durata: 22 min 2 sec
  • Ian Varso, delegation of Slovacchia

    3:53 Durata: 14 min 54 sec
  • Peter Pavlin, delegation of Slovenia

    4:08 Durata: 11 min 47 sec
  • Gilber Bitti, sintetizes the works of the afternoon

    4:20 Durata: 9 min 58 sec
  • Sergio Stanzani, President of NPWJ (in italian)

    <br><strong>Closing remarks</strong>
    4:30 Durata: 37 min 29 sec
  • Jaroslav Horac, (CZ), minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic

    5:07 Durata: 4 min 9 sec
  • Niccolò Figà Talamanca reads the final document of Prague Conference

    5:12 Durata: 6 min 14 sec