22 GIU 2015

It takes a child to raise a village. David Blumenkrantz on the art and craft of rites of passage

INTERVISTA | di Diego Galli - Radio - 19:10 Durata: 11 min 22 sec
A cura di Fabio Arena
Rites of passage have been present in every human society for thousands of years.

Their disappearence in our culture has led young people to craft their own.

This has meant the use of drugs, gang affilliation, underaged pregnancy and other harmful behaviours.

Adolescents need rites of passage to grow up.

And adults need them too.

David Blumenkrantz explains how coming together to help young people growing up through rites of passage, a community can regenarate itself.

"It takes a child to raise a village. David Blumenkrantz on the art and craft of rites of passage" realizzata da Diego Galli con
David Blumenkrantz (PhD, creator of the Rite of Passage Experience (ROPE®)).

L'intervista è stata registrata lunedì 22 giugno 2015 alle ore 19:10.

Nel corso dell'intervista sono stati discussi i seguenti temi: Antropologia, Cultura, Droga, Famiglia, Giovani, Infanzia, Integrazione, Istruzione, Scuola, Societa', Sociologia, Storia.

La registrazione audio ha una durata di 11 minuti.

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