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Registrazione di "World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research (second day - afternoon)", registrato venerdì 17 febbraio 2006 alle 00:00.
L'evento è stato organizzato da Area radicale.
La registrazione ha una durata di 4 ore e 1 minuto.
Pasqualina Napoletano, (MEP, Italy)
Stem Cell Science and Policies (Part 2)0:00 Durata: 9 min 5 sec -
Philippe Busquin, MEP (former European Commissioner for Science and Research)
0:09 Durata: 25 min 13 sec -
Piergiorgio Strata, (MD, PhD. Professor of Neurophysiology at the University of Turin, Italy. Director of the Rita Levi Montalcini Center for Brain Repair and President of the National Institute of Neuroscience), "Freedom in the access to science career"
0:34 Durata: 3 min 20 sec -
Nuket Yetis, (Acting President of Tübitak - The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)
0:37 Durata: 14 min 27 sec -
Piergiorgio Strata
0:52 Durata: 17 min 4 sec -
Pasqualina Napoletano
1:09 Durata: 1 min 41 sec -
Marco Perduca (Director, International Antiprohibitionist League)
Round table: Open Access to Science1:10 Durata: 5 min 32 sec -
Gianfranco Bangone (Co-Editor, "Darwin" Review)
1:16 Durata: 16 min 49 sec -
Tiziano Barberi (PhD, senior scientist in the laboratory of Stem Cell and Tumor Biology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York), "Impact of open access in biomedical research"
1:33 Durata: 8 min 50 sec -
Imma Subirats (Information Management Specialist, FAO), "Open Access Archiving"
1:42 Durata: 15 min 17 sec -
Rodney Townsend, Royal Society of Chemistry
1:57 Durata: 5 min 4 sec -
Tea break2:02 Durata: 11 min 53 sec -
Marco Cappato
Science, Ethics and the Ethics of Scientific Research2:39 Durata: 2 min 20 sec -
Colin Blakemore (FMedSci, FRS, Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council and Waynflete Professor of Physiology at the University of Oxford, UK), "Freedom and responsibility in medical research"
2:41 Durata: 35 min 45 sec -
Leonor Parreira, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon - Instituto de Medicina Molecular, on behalf of Minister of Health of Portugal
3:17 Durata: 18 min 30 sec -
Cesare Galli (Director, Laboratory of Reproductive Technologies of Cremona Italy), "Somatic cell nuclear transfer in animals: lessons for the future"
Genetics Determinism and Eugenics3:35 Durata: 16 min 47 sec -
Antonino Forabosco (Professor, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
3:52 Durata: 22 min 38 sec -
4:15 Durata: 11 min 31 sec