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Bruxelles, July the 10th 2002 - The Transnational Radical Party, Radicali Italiani and Meps of Lista Bonino organized a conference that took place this morning in Bruxelles named "Democracy, freedom and the internet".
The aim of it was to discuss with members of the European Parliament and with experts working on the internet the way digital technologies are empowering or undermining the civil liberties and rights, mostly after the latest definition given by the EU of the word privacy.Documents Privacy and data retention: citizens' right to privacy and State powers in treating personal data:* … the directive on privacy in electronic comunications and the provision for data retention* Enfopol documents* Europol document * The draft Council framework decision on data retention Cybercrime and cyber-non-violence: the borderline between criminality and civil disobedience on the Net:* the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention* The draft Council framework decision on attacks against information systems* Freedom of opinion, expression, press and information on the Internet E-democracy: from "pilot project" to "fundamental right":* The election of five ICANN At-Large Directors on the Internet* Radicals and the Internet:* the resolution on e-democracy in the EU: english | français | italiano.
The aim of it was to discuss with members of the European Parliament and with experts working on the internet the way digital technologies are empowering or undermining the civil liberties and rights, mostly after the latest definition given by the EU of the word privacy.Documents Privacy and data retention: citizens' right to privacy and State powers in treating personal data:* … the directive on privacy in electronic comunications and the provision for data retention* Enfopol documents* Europol document * The draft Council framework decision on data retention Cybercrime and cyber-non-violence: the borderline between criminality and civil disobedience on the Net:* the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention* The draft Council framework decision on attacks against information systems* Freedom of opinion, expression, press and information on the Internet E-democracy: from "pilot project" to "fundamental right":* The election of five ICANN At-Large Directors on the Internet* Radicals and the Internet:* the resolution on e-democracy in the EU: english | français | italiano.
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