21 GIU 2016

6th World Congress Against the Death Penalty - The Opening Ceremony

CONGRESSO | - Oslo - 17:14 Durata: 2 ore 45 min
A cura di Fabio Arena e Bretema
Cerimonia di Apertura del 6° Congresso Mondiale Contro la Pena di Morte (Oslo, 21, 22, 23 giugno 2016).

Registrazione video di "6th World Congress Against the Death Penalty - The Opening Ceremony", registrato a Oslo martedì 21 giugno 2016 alle ore 17:14.

L'evento è stato organizzato da ECPM - Ensemble countre la peine de mort e WCADP - The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.

Sono intervenuti: Asta Busingye Lydersen (writer, journalist and Ugandan-Norwegian artist), Borge Brende (minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway), Jean-Marc Ayrault (minister of Foreign Affairs and International
Development, France), Raphael Chenuil-Hazan (executive Director, ECPM (Together against the death penalty), France), Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein (united Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), Stavros Lambrinidis (european Union Special Representative for Human Rights), Francesco (papa), Robert Badinter (former Minister of Justice, France), Hajah Nancy Shukry (minister in the Prime Minister's Department as the Minister in charge of Law, Malaysia), Flavien Mbata (minister of Justice and Human Rights, Central African Republic), Ashraf Rifi (minister of Justice, Lebanon), Ang Vong Vathana (minister of Justice, Cambodia), Ali Abu Diak (minister of justice, Palestine), Christophe Mboso N'Kodia Pwanga (deputy Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Democratic Republic of the Congo), Phillip Ruddock (special Envoy for Human Rights, Australia), Jacques Bilodeau (special Advisor to the Secretary-General of Organisation international de la Francophonie), Ignacio Ybanez (secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Spain), Benedetto Della Vedova (secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy), Georges Martin (deputy State Secretary of the federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Confederation), Armand De Decker (minister of State, representative of the Minister of foreign Affair, Belgium), Antonio Stango (coordinator of the 6th World Congress Against the Death Penalty, ECPM).

Tra gli argomenti discussi: Abolizionismo, Accordi Internazionali, Carcere, Comunita' Di Sant'egidio, Diritti Civili, Diritti Umani, Diritto, Diritto Internazionale, Esteri, Geopolitica, Giustizia, Globalizzazione, Integrazione, Italia, Onu, Partito Radicale Nonviolento, Pena Di Morte, Penale, Politica, Religione, Societa', Tortura, Violenza.

La registrazione video del congresso ha una durata di 2 ore e 45 minuti.

Questo contenuto è disponibile anche nella sola versione audio.

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