22 OTT 2015

"How to take on the Long-Term Challenge", 7th Annual Conference of the Long-Term Investors Club (LTIC)

CONVEGNO | - Milano - 15:30 Durata: 3 ore 31 min
A cura di SI
Convegno ""How to take on the Long-Term Challenge", 7th Annual Conference of the Long-Term Investors Club (LTIC)", registrato a Milano giovedì 22 ottobre 2015 alle ore 15:30.

L'evento è stato organizzato da Cassa depositi e prestiti e Club Long - Term.

Sono intervenuti: Franco Bassanini (President, Long-Term Investors Club), Edoardo Reviglio (Chief Economist, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti), Elaine Buckberg (Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Coordination, U.S. Treasury), Lord Desai (Emeritus LSE – OMFIF and House of Lords), Ruslan Grinberg (Director, Institute of economics of Russian Academy
of Sciences), Haijun Wang (President, Beijing Cairncross Economic Research Foundation), Philippe Herzog (Founding President, Confrontations Europe), John Lipsky (Senior Fellow, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies), Prem Shankar Jha (Managing Editor, Financial World), David Marsh (Financial Times and Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum - OMFIF), Jeffrey Anderson (Senior Advisor, SME Finance Forum), Alberto Cribiore (Vice Chairman, Citigroup), Thierry de Longuemar (Vice President, ADB), Gian Maria Gros Pietro (Chairman, Intesa Sanpaolo), Dariusz Kacprzyk (President, BGK), Pierre René Lemas (CEO, CDC), David Mulford (Vice Chairman International, Credit Suisse), Ulrich Schröder (CEO, KfW), Hiroshi Watanabe (Governor and CEO, JBIC), Eugene Zhuchenko (Executive Director, LTIIA), Gros Pietro Gian Maria (Chairman, Intesa Sanpaolo).

Sono stati discussi i seguenti argomenti: Borsa, Economia, Finanze, Mercato.

La registrazione audio di questo convegno ha una durata di 3 ore e 31 minuti.

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